Friday, May 3, 2024

Not on WW

Two years later -- not on WW (actually deleted my app) I actually weigh about the same as my last weigh-in (211 lbs) and I'm OK with that -- I'm keeping track of my exercise and health with my apple watch. I try to "close my rings" every day. I'm able to do that just going to work.

Yeah I have a regular job -- 30 hrs a week plus library school (and that seems enough for now) but at some point I'll be working fulltime and I'll integrate some sort of exercise regime into that whether it's walking or biking part of the way to work.

After so much time working on WW I think it does work for many folks. For me, it's too much like work. Obsessing about going up or down a pound is not for me. Feeling bad about having a treat is not for me. If I came out of the pandemic with anything learned is that it's not worth it to obsess about anything like that. Feel good. Everything (includuing moderation) in moderation.

We'll see if this gets updated. I've restarted my i-5 Nomads blog -- we'll see if I update anything else. I haven't updated my main blog since I got my MA in May 2022. We'll see! We'll see!

Is blogging a thing anymore? I don't know. I still read the occassional blog. I'm not worrying about it. I read what I read.

Take care and hope everyone is doing alright. Stay safe in the world.

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