so still on weight watchers for the most part.. Haven't been tracking so much since I've been walking most every day.. When I have class or am heading to Berkeley to study most often I am walking both ways.. which from Emeryville is about 5miles.
It's slow-going but as of this past week I was 182.2lbs but then I had a pint & a big honking bowl of mac & cheese at Triple Rock and then most of my lemon square from the Cafe on the corner.
The good thing is I was able to take out my K&B purple tee and wear yesterday! I bought it from Fleurty Girl (new orleans) about 4 years ago with the intent to wear it to Downtown LA Art Walk.. Since then they don't actually sell the shirt on their site, although they do have a 'classic' K&B logo tee.. I'm thinking the rights on those things are loosening up.. I like my crayon shirt though.. and now that I can actually wear it..